Try our SAT practice tests to prep for your digital SAT exam. Our free online tests are completely interactive and always provide the correct answers along with detailed explanations. We have dozens of challenging practice questions to work through. Choose a topic and get started with your test prep right now!
Free SAT Practice Tests
SAT Test
The SAT is an exam just over two hours long with two sections: the Reading and Writing test and the Math test. The test is broken down as follows:
- Two 32-minute Reading and Writing modules, totaling 54 questions in 64 minutes
- One 10-minute break
- Two 35-minute Math modules, totaling 44 questions in 70 minutes
All questions on the Reading and Writing section are multiple choice. The Math section consists of mostly multiple choice, but there are some answers you will have to enter manually rather than selecting an answer. Points are awarded based on correct answers rather than deducted for incorrect answers, meaning it is always best to guess rather than leave any answers blank.
The SAT is a long and challenging exam that requires a lot of preparation. Use our free practice tests to start your exam prep today.