Our ACT English practice questions are a great place to start your ACT test prep. Like the real ACT, our questions are numbered sequentially, and each number corresponds to an underlined portion of the passage or to a box that’s located in the passage and asks whether a revision should be made. Click on a test below to get started.
ACT English Practice Tests
ACT English Test
The English section of the ACT test is 45 minutes and 75 questions long. It covers the usage and mechanics of English, including grammar, punctuation, and sentence structure. Rhetorical skills are also tested, including strategy, organization, and style.
There are 5 passages of prose on the test, each accompanied by multiple choice questions. The questions ask whether the selected parts of the passage should remain as-is or be changed for grammatical, organizational, or stylistic reasons.
With more questions to answer than there are minutes allotted for the test, it’s important to get the hang of the ACT English Test format ahead of time to be able to work efficiently on the day of the exam. The best way to prepare is through lots of practice. Start your test prep today with our ACT English practice tests.