AP World History Short Answer Question Example 3

If you chose to answer question 3 of our AP World History SAQ questions, use our sample response below to evaluate your work and ensure you have the most important parts of a great answer.

3. Respond to parts a, b, and c.

a. Describe ONE significant change in global trade patterns between 1200 and 1750.

b. Explain ONE political or cultural impact of the spread of religions during this period.

c. Identify and describe ONE technological or scientific advancement between 1200 and 1750 and explain its impact on a specific society or region.

Sample Perfect Answer

a. Describe ONE significant change in global trade patterns between 1200 and 1750.

One significant change in global trade patterns between 1200 and 1750 was the emergence of the transatlantic slave trade. Prior to this period, trade networks largely connected the Old World (Europe, Asia, and Africa). However, during the Age of Exploration, European powers began establishing colonies in the Americas, leading to the forced migration of millions of enslaved Africans across the Atlantic. This triangular trade system involved the exchange of goods, such as raw materials from the Americas, manufactured goods from Europe, and enslaved people from Africa. The transatlantic slave trade marked a profound shift in global trade patterns as it introduced a brutal and dehumanizing trade network that reshaped economies, societies, and cultures on a global scale.

b. Explain ONE political or cultural impact of the spread of religions during this period.

One significant cultural impact of the spread of religions during the period between 1200 and 1750 was the development of syncretic belief systems. As various religions encountered and interacted with one another through trade, conquest, and cultural exchange, syncretism emerged as a response to the blending of religious practices and beliefs. For example, in the Americas, the fusion of indigenous beliefs with Christianity resulted in the development of syncretic faiths, such as Vodou in Haiti and Candomblé in Brazil. These syncretic belief systems incorporated elements of African and indigenous spirituality, creating unique cultural expressions that played a role in the resistance to colonial oppression and the preservation of cultural identity.

c. Identify and describe ONE technological or scientific advancement between 1200 and 1750 and explain its impact on a specific society or region.

One significant technological advancement during the period between 1200 and 1750 was the invention of the printing press with movable type by Johannes Gutenberg in the mid-15th century. The impact of the printing press was transformative, particularly in Europe. Prior to its invention, books were painstakingly copied by hand, making them rare and expensive. With the printing press, books could be mass-produced at a fraction of the cost and in much less time. This technological advancement had a profound impact on European society and culture, as it facilitated the rapid spread of ideas, knowledge, and information. It played a pivotal role in the dissemination of the Renaissance, Reformation, and Enlightenment ideals, fostering the development of a more literate and informed society and contributing to the growth of scientific, political, and religious movements. The printing press revolutionized communication and laid the foundation for the modern information age.

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